Enter the
Opens October 6, 2024 – Closes 30th March, 2025. Winners announced April 15, 2025
We are looking for a 50-60 page pilot script or 90-120 page feature script, of any genre except experimental and animation, in other words a live action drama.
We will favour any story with an older woman 45 plus in it.
(That is they will get 2 more points in the assessment)
Entry fee £40.00
Creative Queens paid up Members £30
Entry Feedback & Notes - £25.00
1st Prize – a full board trip to Rocaberti Writers Retreat May 30th-June 4th, 2025 Sant Mori Castle, Girona, Spain.
Here you will polish your script under the mentorship of renowned producers, Wendy Kram or Judi Levine, and you will also meet the other mentors Chris Deckard and Michael Davies. All these mentors are influential and you may pitch to them. Some mentors have optioned scripts at the retreats. www.rocabertiwriters.com.
This is open for International Entries
Please look on the web page for bios of the mentors. https://rocabertiwriters.com/retreats/late-may-2025/
Creative Queens will make a contribution to your travel to Spain subject to the number of entry fees covering this and to a maximum of £1,000. Economy Travel only.
On return you will receive a pass to the Birmingham Film & TV Market -where you can pitch to some of the leading production companies, streamers and broadcasters in the UK. Check the website for details
(please visit the website for confirmed commissioners and producers attending)
Date is 27June, 2025
Worth £250 – plus up to £500 towards travel and accommodation. (subject to the entry fees covering this.)
A free up to 2 minute teaser, filmed in a day, subject to discussion with Lumino Films worth £5,000. To be filmed in Kent/London only. However we will use vfx or carefully chosen locations to make an authentic look for an American or European back drop. We will use actors with the correct accent or ethnicity to make your teaser pop.
TOTAL PRIZE VALUE – up to £12,250
2nd Prize: This is open to UK entries only.
A pass to the Birmingham Film & TV Market where you can pitch to leading production companies, streamers and braodcasters in the UK.
https://birminghamfilmmarket.co.uk/. Please look on the webpage for further information.
Worth £250 plus £500 towards travel and accommodation (subject to the competition fees covering this)
Supported by
Please read the following very carefully:
1st Prize is available for International Entries and 2nd Prize is for British Entries only
The judges decision is final.
We will also offer script notes and analysis for an extra £25
Tip: Please make your first 10 pages contain something exciting or different that draws attention and entices you to read on.
We cannot guarantee that any winning script will be optioned or sold.
Please check dates and only enter if you can attend both events.
By entering you also agree to promotional photos and information about yourself
To be used on our website and social media.
Judges: Jane Sanger, Claire Terry, Louise Osbourne, Sophie Ivanova - further judges to follow.
1. Entries from scriptwriters. If during the pitch opportunities a production company is required Lumino Films, a professional film making production company may be appointed to be included in the pitch, ie BBC require a production company to be attached. www.luminofilms.co.uk.
The rights remain the writers until options/sales are structured.
2. All entries must be 50-60 pages long for a tv pilot and 90-120 pages long for a feature film and properly formatted in the English language. Entries will be accepted worldwide. BUT you will initially only submit the first 10 pages, If you are a finalist then the complete script will be called for by April 5, 2025
3. The script can be of any genre except experimental and animation or pornography.
4. The judging will be based on the synopsis, logline and first 10 pages of the script. The finalists will be asked for the full script before we make final decisions as to the 2 winners.
5. The entry fee will be £40 except paid up members of Creative Queens, past alumni of Rocaberto Writers Retreats, Students in full time education over 16. These people will pay £30 entry fee. In the last month the fee will rise to £50 entry and £40 concessions as above.
6. Entry is open from October 6, 2024 to midnight GMT on 28 March, 2025.
7. The finalists will need to provide a full script by 5 April, 2025
8. The Winner will be announced on April 15, 2025.
9. The winner will be offered a place on the Rocaberti Writers Retreat May 30th-June 4th, 2025 Sant Mori Castle, Girona, Spain. If this date is not suitable it is not transferable so the prize will go to the next person who can accept it.
10. The logo of the three companies sponsoring this film fund needs to be incorporated into the film credits or tv show should you gain commissioning and on the opening credits and the four founders need to be credited as executive producers on the film and on Imdb.
11. Entry form download link will be sent on receipt of payment.
The film scripts will be judged on:
1. Originality of Idea - out of 10 points
2. Interesting Characters – out of 10 points
3. Commercial potential – out of 10 points
4. Message – out of 10 points
5. Structure – out of 10 points
5. Including a woman character over 45 – 2 points extra
We do not accept scripts that show continuous violence, or sex as this is not mainstream or commercial. A scene or two containing these themes if relevant to the story is acceptable.